Совместимость дульных устройств
Резьба Invector
- Weatherby 12ga Element
- Weatherby 12ga Orion
- Weatherby 12ga SA 459 Turkey Xtra Green
- Weatherby 12ga SA and PA 08 (Threads at Bottom of Factory Choke)
- Winchester 12ga 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 and Ranger
- Winchester 12ga Super X2 Practical Mark I and II
Резьба Mobil Choke:
- Weatherby 12ga PA 459 and SA 459 (Except Turkey Xtra Green)
- Weatherby 12ga SA and PA 08 (Threads at Top of Factory Choke)
- Webley and Scott 12ga WS800 Series